

To spearhead professional activities for the geospatial industry in Kenya and across in order to advance professional capacity of the members and enhance public value of geospatial professions.


To be a premier geospatial professional body by promoting professional development, delivering quality public service and growing value of geospatial professions globally.

Welcome to Geospatial Society of Kenya

The GEOSPATIAL SOCIETY OF KENYA is a not-for-profit professional organization dedicated to the advancement and/or dissemination of information relating to all aspects of the GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS.

The Society was founded with the aim of establishing a premier public-benefit professional organization that represents the interests of the various of Geospatial professionals, organizations and companies throughout the country. It is a Society of individual members, corporate entities and student all of whom seek advancement and excellence in the services that they deliver and/or receive for public.

Joining the team

All persons interested in Geospatial technology and its applications shall be eligible for membership subject to the approval of the Board of Advisers. Applicants must be willing to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws, and must maintain an interest in the activities of the GeoSK.All prospective members must submit a written application accompanied by membership dues. Said application to be approved or rejected by the Board of Advisers. If rejected, the membership chairperson shall provide an explanation and a full refund will be made.

Membership Distribution

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